Current Gifts
Becoming a Giving Hope Society donor helps Open Door remain strong and healthy. The Giving Hope Society is a group of dedicated annual donors who join to support the mission of Open Door by making an unrestricted contribution starting at the Hope level of $1,000.
A current gift is a monetary contribution to Open Door made by check, credit card, cash, transfer of an appreciated asset such as stocks or bonds, or a charitable distribution from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Current gifts are typically made to support the more immediate needs of Open Door. For example, general operating support to cover staff salaries, facility utility expenses and supplies or for program-specific needs, such as to purchase food for distribution by the Food Ministry, or to purchase detergent for the laundering of client clothing at the Homeless Resource Center.
Current gifts may be restricted to a specific purpose or program by the donor or left unrestricted for use by Open Door where most needed. Unrestricted gifts, as the name implies, are not restricted for a specific use by Open Door; however, they may only be used to support the charitable mission of Open Door.
As with many not-for-profit charities, our preference is to receive unrestricted current gifts as they provide our management team and Board of Directors the greatest amount of flexibility to address the most pressing needs at the time. However, we understand that as a donor you may have an affinity to a specific program or need. Whether your gift is unrestricted or restricted, rest assured we appreciate your support and will use it for its intended purpose.
- If you are considering making a current gift via an appreciated asset (e.g. stocks or bonds), please contact our Development Director in advance to discuss.
- We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card as well as personal and business checks and money orders. Credit card gifts, as well as personal checking drafts and business bank drafts, may be made online through our secure payment portal. Just click on the Donate Now button on any page of our website, and you will be directed to our secured payment site, hosted by Sage Payment Solutions.
- If you prefer, you may send your check or money order by U.S. Mail. Please make your check or money order payable to Open Door and mail to PO BOX 2756, Wichita, KS 67201-2756.
- For your protection, please do not send cash (coins and bills) through the mail. Cash (coin and bills) donations may be hand delivered to our street address listed at the bottom of this page. Please note, we do not accept foreign currency.
“When I support Open Door, I know that my contribution is supplying basic needs and giving hope to those that are most vulnerable in our community. I could never touch that many lives on my own.”
“We give to Open Door because helping others is part of what we are supposed to do.”
“I give because of the hope and security Open Door offers its clients. Open Door knows the needs of our neighbors and can quickly adapt to provide for those needs.”
In-Kind Giving
Open Door is always in need of in-kind donations. Also known as non-cash contributions, in-kind donations are gifts of goods or services. In-kind gifts come in many forms and may include donations of food, clothing, office supplies/equipment, laundry detergent, hygiene items, the payment of an expense incurred by Open Door (e.g. air conditioner repair at one of our facilities) or an attorney providing free consultation services to Open Door.
Regardless of the type of in-kind gift, each one helps Open Door extend limited budget dollars, meet the needs of our clients and efficiently address operational needs. While we cannot accept all in-kind gifts, and others may have specific requirements imposed by the IRS, we are always willing to discuss your interests and our needs.
For your convenience, we have provided lists of our most commonly needed in-kind items.
Klothes Kloset In-Kind and Map
Homeless Resource Center Needs List
These files are portable document files (.PDF), so you will need a compatible PDF reader to open, save, and print. You can download the free Adobe Reader at http://get.adobe.com/reader/.
Thank you for your interest in making an in-kind donation to Open Door!

Memorial gifts are a great way for an individual, a group or an organization to remember a deceased family member, colleague, friend or even a pet. If you are interested in establishing a memorial with Open Door, we ask that you please contact us beforehand if possible, so that we have the information about who is being memorialized and the contact information for next of kin. Open Door will send a list of people contributing to the memorial (without their gift amounts) to the next of kin. We also provide a receipt to those contributing, as long as we have a valid mailing address.
Tribute gifts to honor the living are a great way to acknowledge the influence someone has had on you, or the kindness of another. We often see tributes made to honor a child, grandchild, parent, sibling, friend, colleague or teacher. Open Door will mail a card to the person being honored informing them they are being honored and by whom.

Use Dillons Community Rewards to donate to United Methodist Open Door, Inc. every time you shop at Dillons.
- Create a digital account
- Link your card to United Methodist Open Door, Inc.
- Shop!

Open Door relies heavily on volunteer support. In fact, we engage approximately 3,000 volunteers annually in various areas of our agency. Volunteers are an integral part of our operations. They extend limited staff, increase our efficiency and permit us to direct more resources in support of our clients.
We have many opportunities available for individuals, church or employee groups, families, students needing community hours for school or Eagle Scouts needing projects. Volunteers are scheduled on a one-time basis or on a recurring basis–monthly, weekly, daily or whatever best fits with your schedule and Open Door’s. We cannot always guarantee a specific spot for you, but we will do our best to accommodate.
To volunteer, contact Erin Hurley, volunteer coordinator, at 316.267.4201. Thank you for your interest in helping those in need in our community!